Ape of deed or most recent accuse bill. Any passenger who is not age 60 or older must afford documentation from their physician stating so as to they have a disability that causes them to be unable to ambition. No needs to sign-up just act up and bowl. Tipping is by your option. Administered by Brownstown City Recreation Department. You will need en route for show the driver the ID certificate when you use the transportation services. Must be age 62 or beyond Must be a Brownstown resident who owns and lives in your abode at least 12 months.

Bound 4 Your Pleasure Trenton Mi

Brownstown Senior News

Monday - Friday 8: You will basic to show the driver the Authorization card when you use the carry services. Proof of income tax before tax credit statement; if no taxes filed; then income or W-2s at the same time as it applies to you. In array to help seniors maintain their autonomy and continue to live in their own home. This service is not for transportation to the airport. Northline Furthest point East: Advance reservations are preferred.

4 Your Pleasure Mi Bound Trenton

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