The main objective of the study is to understand the role of third parties especially pimps, traffickers, and smugglers in street prostitution and the aim for the dependency of sex workers on them. Metro Task Force arrange Human Trafficking The high concentration of sex workers in limited areas intensified the competition and results in constant lower earnings. This law does not reflect the interests of sex workers. Street prostitution in Vienna: It is time to consider them as acceptable stakeholders with rights and not barely obligations. As a consequence of the significant inflow of migrant sex workers, the official data is more apt to reflect the state of the street sex industry rather than the entire sex industry. She has been working on Human Trafficking practically after that theoretically for years and was affianced as a legal adviser for victims.

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Sicherheitsbericht , , On the awkward, it made them more vulnerable. All the rage Vienna the brothels, sex clubs, sauna clubs and the street prostitution is legal and regulated by guidelines after that policy Viennese Prostitution law All the rage the years , and she undertook research concerning sexual exploitation in al fresco prostitution and human trafficking in Austria. As a consequence of the big inflow of migrant sex workers, the official data is more likely en route for reflect the state of the avenue sex industry rather than the complete sex industry. Responses from the analyse show that most of the interviewees are not aware of their above-board rights, also not in possession of their passports while living in the apartments rented by third parties. After, this has lead to increased addiction and control by third parties.

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All the rage fact, it is mainly the avenue sex workers who are registered after that have a registration ration card anticipate to the daily and routine controls carried out by the police. After all, there is a strong dependency as a result of sex workers on third parties who control and exploit them. Fortunately, around are also some positive developments initiated by civil society in order en route for counteract the shutting down of the Stuwerviertel and the Prater — equally situated in the second district. It is important to highlight that around is insufficient research regarding the effective conditions of street sex workers all the rage Vienna. The main objective of the study is to understand the character of third parties especially pimps, traffickers, and smugglers in street prostitution after that the reason for the dependency of sex workers on them. It is time to consider them as acceptable stakeholders with rights and not barely obligations. Sex workers have been relocated to remote and sparsely inhabited areas such as Prater and Auhof. All the rage the yearsand she undertook research a propos sexual exploitation in outdoor prostitution after that human trafficking in Austria.

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